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A Gospel-centered counseling center comes to life.

We believe that Christian counseling is a tool God uses to bring transformation in the lives of His people. We feel called to offer Gospel-centered, licensed professional counseling to our congregation and the community. We will service the Coachella Valley with a Gospel-centered counseling center.

“I am the LORD, who heals you.” (EXODUS 15:26)

One of the names given to Jesus Christ is that of “Wonderful Counselor.” The term “Counselor” from Isaiah 9 depicted the imagery of a consultant who stands in between a person and their problem and shows them the way out. Recent years have revealed an alarming spike in mental health for men, women, and children. These numbers have risen nationally and right here at home since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. The people of our congregation and the people of our valley need the hope of our Wonderful Counselor—Jesus Christ!

Rates of suicidal ideation are highest among youth, especially LGBTQ+ youth.
Rates of suicidal ideation are highest among youth, especially LGBTQ+ youth.

Overall, 51% of all youth depression screeners ages 11-17 reported frequent suicidal ideation on more than half or nearly every day of the previous two weeks.

(source: Mental Health America)

Six in 10 practitioners reported they no longer have openings for new patients;
Six in 10 practitioners reported they no longer have openings for new patients;

Nearly half (46%) said they have been unable to meet the demand for treatment and nearly three-quarters (72%) have longer wait lists than before the pandemic.

(source: COVID-19 Practitioner Impact Survey)

Demand for anxiety and depression treatment remained high for the third consecutive year...
Demand for anxiety and depression treatment remained high for the third consecutive year...

While demand for treatment for trauma- and stressor-related disorders and substance use disorders has grown.

(source: COVID-19 Practitioner Impact Survey)  

Counseling and connection: a path forward and a lifeline.

But where do we begin?

We invite you to join us as we actualize the vision for the Southwest Church counseling center. Our goal is to raise $290,000 to cover our costs to develop the Southwest Church counseling center. Our total project fee includes interior renovation and construction of the existing space to maximize privacy and contain costs, California-mandated modifications, consulting, and key staffing for highly qualified, licensed counseling professionals. Calls will come in directly to the center. Know that any generous gift, in any amount, will help.  

So, where do we begin... With your help.

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It will:

  • Employ a team of highly qualified, licensed counseling professionals who share our beliefs and are readily available to deliver care.
  • Provide accessible mental health care to everyone in our community who needs help, regardless of their spiritual beliefs.
  • Implement support groups that connect isolated clients with a safe, nurturing community where they are seen and helped. 
  • Collaborate with local providers to ensure continuity of care for anyone seeking help who may require continuing treatment and care.  

Our campaign to build the counseling center is a short-term initiative designed to offer much-needed services until the center is self-sufficient. Services will be paid for by insurance and, when necessary, supplemented by additional funds. More than anything, we want everyone who requires counseling services to know that just as God loves them, we too, care deeply. Now, and for the long run.

Where necessary, we will also refer people to specific practitioners to get the specialized care they need. We understand the importance of managing mental health issues before they devolve into more serious challenges, and identifying and intervening for those who require advocacy and services now. From parents to children and teens, from church members to the at-large community, our intention is that everyone will get the help they need.