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It’s no secret that marriage is constantly under attack. And the main reason for this is that marriage is that one institution the Lord created to show the world His gospel. Marriage is under attack because it is God’s greatest microphone for His love for the world. We will foster gospel-centered marriage at Southwest by defining the institution, explaining its purpose from Scripture, and offering practical wisdom for how best to live out healthy marriages and relationships. We will make this applicable not only to marital relationships but relationships of all sorts.

The Biblical Vision of Marriage (Genesis 2:18-25)

Unless our house be built upon a rock it cannot stand. Doesn’t matter how pretty or impressive a house may seem. If it is not built upon a firm foundation it will not stand. We will define biblical marriage for our people and talk about the importance of one’s relationship and one’s marriage holding to the design and the vision that GOD Himself has for it. Too often couples do their own thing. And when problems arise, we ask God to come along and bless it. But marriage needs to begin WITH God at the very center.

The Biblical Vision of Singleness (1 Corinthians 7:25-40)

The singles demographic has, for decades, remained the most oft-ignored group within the church. One of the issues for marriages is that too often, the church failed to bless its singles with a biblical and robust vision for the single life. Some of the most amazing people that ever lived were single—John the Baptist, the Apostle Paul, and so on. The most amazing person that ever lived was single—Jesus Christ! Too often we make marriage out to be the saving grace of singleness when the Bible believes that every person and every season is a glorious thing in the heart and mind of God.

The Biblical Vision of Oneness (Matthew 19:1-12)

Scripture asks how can two walk together lest they be agreed? Oneness is the currency of marriage. Period. If the conversation becomes “my” way instead of “our” way the relationship is doomed. We’ll talk about oneness in marriage and why it is of crucial importance. We’ll also talk about the fuel of marriage—healthy communication, the necessity of empathy, dying to ourselves, and so on.

Intimacy (1 Corinthians 7:1-9)

Let’s talk about sex. What is sex? How does God see sex? How are married couples called to show up

for one another when it comes to sex? This is a sermon about what it means to foster intimacy in the marriage as opposed to seeing sex merely as a utility. We’ll talk about the roommate vs romantics issue in marriage and champion our people to constantly pursue connection and true intimacy.

Money (Matthew 25:14-30)

Money tends to be one of the biggest factors that lead to divorce in marriage. It’s essential for married people to see money the way God sees money. And Jesus’ words in Matthew 25 remind us that what we’ve been given is really HIS—and it’s incumbent upon us to see God as the owner, and ourselves as the steward. Couples will win financially when they understand that they’re not managing their money for themselves, they’re managing God’s money for God. We’ll talk about healthy habits for couples in the way of finance insofar Jesus talks more about money in the Bible than he talks about heaven itself!

Parenting (Psalm 127:4)

Marriages have to get on the same page about everything; they have to have a shared vision for money, career, home, etc. But too often the enemy finds a wedge in the relationship through the children. Favoritism abounds. We bring bad habits and wounds from our own past into the parenting enterprise. And if a couple is not careful, the kids will win and the parents will lose—which ultimately means that the

What a MAN Needs (Ephesians 5:33)

What is God’s call to the wife? What does Scripture prescribe for godly women called to marriage? What are those biblical best practices? What are the traps to avoid?

What a WOMAN Needs (Ephesians 5:33)

What is God’s call to the husband? What does Scripture prescribe for godly men called to marriage? What are those biblical best practices? What are the traps to avoid?