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We believe it is our God-given responsibility to create a gospel-centered, multiethnic, intergenerational and leading-edge preschool. One that promises a superior early childhood education built on the foundation of discipleship. A place where a true believer’s sensibility to those in all walks of life, is instilled from the very start.

Inspired by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we are creating a safe, welcoming and thriving environment. We advance our work by hiring instructors with sterling credentials who share our vision for a holistic education. We strive to have an environment where our instructors consistently deliver a profound experience to students, at the intersection of Christianity and education. 

Nearly 60% of parents report their young child’s academic development has been harmed by the pandemic.

(source: The Hechinger Report)

High quality preschool care has been on the decline since the pandemic; early childhood educators report being more anxious, overwhelmed and stressed, all of which they felt negatively impacted their ability to provide high-quality care and education to children.

(source: metastudy - Edsurge 2021) 

Building the Valley’s leading Christian preschool.

But where do we begin?

With you. The campaign kicks off now. After extensive analysis, we’ve identified the need for $600,000 to develop our preschool. This covers interior construction, the California code-mandated modifications, consulting, vital staffing and our new playgrounds.

So where do we begin... it starts with you.

Preescolar FAQ

Initially, the preschool will be capable of servicing 118 families. 

The preschool will staff approximately 20 full time employees including a Pre-School Director who will be a member of the Southwest Staff Team. 

The preschool will be Gospel-centered and in line with the doctrinal convictions of Southwest Church.

We anticipate approximately $500K in revenue annually to be used for sustaining the preschool and for strategic ministry initiatives.